06/06 – 07/11: Short Story Writing

教练: Robin Lee Lovelace
日期: 5 Thursdays: June 6, 13, 20, 27; skip July 4; July 11
时间: 7:00 – 9:00 pm EST
地点: 变焦
成本: $300 Nonmembers, $210 Writer/Reader Members, 190美元的高级, 老师, 学生, Military/Veteran, Librarian Members
*The cost of this class includes a $50 manuscript fee that is directly remitted to the instructor*

Short Fiction Writing is a five-week workshop, which includes discussions, 练习, 和 the critiquing of student projects. The focus is on creating publishable short stories.

Whether you are on your first draft , just have an idea 和 haven’t written it down yet, or your story needs a final polish, this workshop will provide 写作 tips, critiques of your work, 出版 information, 和 ideas on where to submit.

MB Dabney will be a guest speaker on June 20 who will talk about his experience with getting short stories published, 回答问题, talk about the requirements of mystery 和 crime 小说, 和 talk about his experiences as a judge for 写作 competitions.

Let us help you to get your short story ready to submit, with a focus on getting your prose to shine like a diamond.

About the instructor:

Robin Lee Lovelace is a mixed-race writer from 印第安纳州 who usually writes short 小说. In 2017, Robin won the gr和 prize in a one-act play contest, presented by the 30XNinety theatre in M和eville, a suburb of New Orleans. In March 2019, she won the Etchings Press annual competition for novellas for the novella, Savonne, Not Vonny.

Robin was named as an honoree in the Emerging Author category for the 印第安纳州 Author’s Awards in September 2020. Robin was one of the three finalists for the Don Belton Fiction Prize for 2021 for her collection of stories titled 野生地区  a Stowe Story Labs SAG Indie Finalist for Savonne, Not Vonny in 2021. Also, in 2021, she won the Marguerite McGlinn short 小说 prize for her story 叔叔, awarded by Rosemont College 和 Philadelphia Stories. Robin was a Wildacres Retreat Diversity Scholarship winner in July 2023. A non-小说 essay that she wrote, called Different Times, Different Degrees, Same Shit appeared in the 2023 summer edition of 印第安纳州 Review. Robin has also placed or been shortlisted for numerous short story competitions.

Robin’s latest book is a collection of short stories titled 野生地区 that can be found for purchase on Amazon, Books-a-Million, 和 Barnes 和 Noble websites.


About the Guest Speaker:

MB Dabney is a retired award-winning journalist whose 写作 has appeared in numerous local 和 national publications, including 印第安纳波利斯 Monthly, the 印第安纳波利斯 Business Journal, 《十大博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》杂志, 和 Black Enterprise.com. He has co-edited two anthologies for the Speed City
chapter of Sisters in Crime – Decades of Dirt: Murder, Mystery 和 Mayhem from the Crossroads of Crime; 和 谋杀20/20 – 和 has published numerous short mystery stories, including Miss Hattie Mae’s Secret (Decades of Dirt), Callipygian (The Fine Art of Murder), Killing Santa Claus (Homicide for the Holidays), 和 Black on Black in Black (The Fish That Got Away: The 2021 Sisters in Crime Guppy Anthology).  He was a co-writer 和 co-producer of Deadbeat, a one-act play produced by the chapter that debuted at the 印第安纳波利斯 Fringe Festival in 2018.

Michael’s newest novel, A Deadly Game, A David Blaise Mystery (2023), is a prequel to his 2021 debut novel, An Untidy Affair.

The father of two adult daughters, Michael lives in 印第安纳波利斯 with his wife, Angela.

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